
Mathematics Online Test:

Mathematics online tests include studying number systems, functions, shapes (geometry), quantity, and algebraic equations and their relations. Math is the main subject taught in all schools, colleges, and aptitude tests. Math quiz questions paper consists of multiple choice questions types, and multiple choice questions are the main part of this mathematics online test.

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1 / 10

The number, whose 7% is 42, is

2 / 10

The number, whose 25% is 75, is

3 / 10

If 40 men build 4 buildings in 12 months, how many men would be required to build 6 houses in 4 months?

4 / 10

Rashid bought a shirt for Rs.350 and sold it Rs.300. How much loss did he get?

5 / 10

If 5 men can manufacture 27 baskets in an hour, how many baskets would 15 men manufacture in 40 minutes?

6 / 10

If takes 14 taps to fill a swimming pool in 10 hours. How much time will it take 5 taps to fill the pool?

7 / 10

Which number can replace both question marks? 2/? = ?/50.

8 / 10

The zoo had some lions and some parrots. The supervisor counted 15 heads and 50 legs.

9 / 10

20 men can construct a building in 40 days. How long will it take 10 men to do this work?

10 / 10

If 15 men can manufacture 27 baskets in an hour, how many baskets would 45 men can manufacture in 40 minutes?

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Government jobs have provided a brilliant opportunity for candidates of aptitude tests to prepare their Math papers online. Candidates can prepare their free online math test post, which will help them pass math quizzes with excellent marks.

A better way for math exams Preparations:

These mathematics MCQs have answers specially planned for PPSC, FPSC, and NTS online tests. Candidate can judge their Math preparation test in a better way. This online mathematics test is free for students to prepare for Math exams to get the best activities before exams.

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