State Bank Internship Program – Virtual Internship Programme
The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) is happy to launch a six-week virtual Summer Internship Program. The State Bank of Pakistan is always looking for qualified candidates to fill open positions. SBP is accepting applications from students of Pakistani/AJK nationality who meet the qualifying criteria and follow the procedure outlined below.
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National Financial Literacy Program for Youth (NFLP-Y)
The National Institute of Banking and Finance and the State Bank of Pakistan are in charge of the “National Financial Literacy Program for Youth” (NFLP-Y). Its goal is to teach Pakistani youth and school-aged children what they need to know about money so they can better handle it and understand how it works.
The programme is for kids in school (9–12 years old), teens (13–17 years old), and young adults (18–29 years old) in 45 selected districts of Pakistan, including GB and AJK. NIBAF (NFLP-Y) wants to reach 1.6 million children, teens, and young adults through classroom training and 0.6 million through a digital learning platform in the next five years, from 2018 to 2023.
Eligibility Criteria
Students who are eligible must have finished at least two (2) years of a four-year Bachelor’s degree programme or be enrolled in a Master’s degree programme in Economics, Business Administration, Public Administration, Accounting, Finance, Commerce, Mathematics, Statistics, Human Resources, Agriculture, Information Systems, and Technology.
Students must have a minimum of 60% in the percentage system or a minimum of 2.50 out of 4.00 or 3.50 out of 5.00 CGPA in the GPA system.
Selection Process
The shortlisted students will have to send in scanned copies of their official transcripts from last semester, their CNIC/NICOP/valid Pakistani passport and domicile, as well as one passport-sized photo. If you try to change how the to shortlist is made, you will be automatically disqualified for the internship.
SBP will choose the students, and those chosen will get an email with confirmation and instructions on how to attend the virtual internship.
If you give false information at any point, you will lose your internship right away.
How do you apply for an internship at the State Bank of Pakistan?
If you are a Pakistani or AJK student and meet the above requirements, you can apply at the button below. Applications that don’t have the right information won’t be considered. Applications sent in person, through snail mail, or by email will not be considered.