We publish the most Updated solved FIA Constable Past Papers Pdf Download. FIA (Federal Investigation Agency) announces 596+ new constable (BPS-05) jobs thought (www.jobs.fia.gov.pk) (01).
Table of Contents
FIA Constable Past Papers Pdf Download
Through this page, you can get a complete guide about Ministry of Interior, Islamabad RECRUITMENT-2023. Here you can find all about FIA Test Preparation Book Pdf Free Download, quiz (online test), and MCQS Preparation.
Moreover, you can also download the most updated Ministry of Interior, Islamabad RECRUITMENT-2023. Here you can find all about FIA Constable Past Papers/Combined guide Book PDF/Books through the following google drive links.
In addition, we (governmentjob.pk) publish other FIA PPSC Subject Wise Lecturer MCQs. Past papers i.e. constable driver, UDC, LDC, Sub-inspector, Assistant, and Stenotypist ASAP.
Complete syllabus of FIA past paper 2023 covered in this page syllabus, Test Preparation, and Past Papers.
Recruitment Selection Process
The FIA application process will start from online applications submitted by the aspiring candidates on the FIA website. Qualified applicants for Managerial posts will be discussed to the concerned District/Zone for physical endurance tests to be conducted throughout Pakistan in Collaboration with local police, as per following approved physical standards.
Physical Standard and Physical Test
Height (female) | 5 feet 4 inches |
Height (male) | 5 feet 6 inches |
Chest (male only) | 33 x 34.5 inches |
Running Test (male) | One Mile in 7 minutes |
Running Test (female) | One Mile in 10 minutes |
FIA Written Test (test must conduct Online through virtual university)
FIA has signed online written conduct with Virtual University for conducting Computer Based Test (CBT|. Successful candidates of physical tests will appear to Virtual University for Computer Based Test (CBT). Whereas, shortlisted candidates in Within / Computer Based Test for Ministerial Posts will be referred to Virtual University for Skill test as under:
Skill Test for LDC/UDC
Typing Test for LDC 30 WPM
Shorthand Test/typing for Steno typist 80/40 WPM
FIA jobs Test Preparation Book And Past Papers PDF
Candidates looking for FIA written test preparation can download a PDF book and Past Papers from the links available below
FIA Constable Past Papers (Pdf)
Here you can get now FIA constable PPSC Subject Wise Lecturer MCQs. past papers pdf download through google drive links.