Punjab Human Capital Investment Project Jobs 2024 – PSPA

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Punjab Human Capital Investment Project (PHCIP) Jobs 2024

The Punjab Social Protection Authority is managing the Punjab Human Capital Investment Project (PHCIP) which is funded by the World Bank. Punjab Human Capital Investment looking to hire individual consultants in order to improve access for vulnerable households in selected districts of Punjab to quality health services and socio-economic programs. These Punjab government jobs managing by Punjab Social Protection Authority.

Positions Description:

The following positions are available:

Senior Program Manager – Must have a Master’s degree in relevant fields with at least ten years’ experience working on social or economic development programs, should be familiar with government operations and fluent both spoken and written English as well as MS Office applications. Estimated salary: PKR 900,000 per month.

Software Engineer – Needs a Master’s degree in Software Engineering/Computer Science plus six years’ software development experience including three years using SQL Server ASP.Net C# Angular/React JS. Estimated salary: PKR 325,000 per month.

Data Analyst – A Master’s degree holder, preferably in Statistics, Computer Science, Economics, or a related field, will work here having been involved in at least three years of data analytics experience utilizing tools like Oracle SQL Tableau, etc., Besides this, they must also know other different languages such as Python, R SAS, SPSS STATA Eviews, etc., so that they can understand better what kind of analysis needs to be done based on client requirements given by them during initial meetings held between parties involved before starting any project together where one party always acts on behalf other(s). The expected monthly remuneration would not exceed PKR 325000/- only.

How to Apply

  • Candidates who meet above mentioned criteria may send their Expression Of Interest (EOI), updated CVs along with copies CNIC educational degrees & experience certificates to Project Management Unit Punjab Social Protection Authority located at 78/79 D Block New Muslim Town Wahdat Road Lahore or email it through [email protected] till August 19th ,2024.
  • Selection shall take place according to the World Bank procurement regulations ensuring no conflict of interest occurs between paragraph numbers three point fourteen through seventeen detailed Terms Of Reference (TORs) can be found https://pspa.punjab.gov.pk/.

Punjab Human Capital Investment Jobs

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Punjab Social protection Authority

PSPA -Punjab Social protection Authority
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