HEC (GRE) Training Program 2022 – US-Pak Knowledge Corridor

The United States-Pakistan Knowledge Corridor training programme, which is for the academic year 2022, has been proudly announced by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. Through the US Pakistan Knowledge Corridor Program, all students from Pakistan and AJK are welcome to apply for this completely supported training in the United States of America.

​Note: A concessional fee of Rs. 2,500/– (for online training) will be charged from participants for the whole training. The remaining amount will be paid by HEC.

This general GRE training is being provided in collaboration with the US-Pak Knowledge Corridor. You might be the next fortunate person to take advantage of this chance. On this page, we’ll go over the specifics of the eligibility requirements and form submission.

HEC (GRE) Training Program 2022 – US-Pak Knowledge Corridor

The major goal of the US-Pakistan Knowledge Corridor is to support Pakistani talent that already exists or efforts that are now being made to study at US colleges and earn a Ph.D. Moreover, 10 000 applicants are chosen from this programme to study at the top colleges in the US for the next 10 years.


Aspiring Ph.D. candidates can now take 40 hours of GRE (General) Training thanks to the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC). The HEC hosts the training as a collective while conducting it equally (US-Pak Knowledge Corridor). All citizens of Pakistan or the AJK are still welcome to apply for the full online-based GRE training.

Who Can Apply?

Under the US-Pak Knowledge Corridor project of the HEC, all potential or interested students from non-PhD faculty can apply for a Ph.D. scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria

1-Applicant should be an AJK National and Pakistani citizen
2-They should have at least 4 years of bachelor’s degree of B.S/ B.Sc./B.E/ Equivalent as the 16 years of formal education
3-Applicant should have a maximum of 1-second division and should not have 3rd division or grade ‘D’ in their whole academic career.

Additionally, the application’s age restriction must not be higher than 38 years old. This only applies to the regular faculty members of public sector universities or government colleges and the researchers employed by organizations with authorization for research and development. The maximum age in the remaining situations is 33 years. They shouldn’t already be receiving an HEC scholarship. You are ineligible to apply if you have previously participated in this training program.

Participants will pay a reduced fee for the entire training which is close to Rs 2500. HEC will cover the remainder of the training costs.

Application Submission

You have to submit the application form for HEC Gre General test training through Google Forms before December 10, 2022.

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