ASF written test syllabus 2023
We will provide you with information on the ASF written test 2023 syllabus & roll number slip, paper pattern, test preparation. Past papers answer MCQs in pdf book downloads in this section and ASI test preparation book and ASF MCQs pdf, for ASI, Driver, and corporal.
Table of Contents
ASF Written Test Date 2023
Applicants must submit their name and CNIC to get ASF written test date 2021 test roll no slip, test preparation, sample paper, past paper, answer key, Result and Final List 2023.
- Assistant
- Cook
- Corporal
- Corporal Driver
- Khakrob
- Naib Qasid
- Nursing Assistant
- Painter
- Stenotypist
- Vehicle Mechanic
ASF Past Papers, Test Contents & Syllabus for ASF ASI & Corporal Jobs
- Pakistan Research: Pakistan Study is divided into two parts. The first is before 1947, and the second is after 1947.
- Islamiat: Islamiat is made up of the fundamental concepts of Islam, such as Ibadat, the Quran, and Hadis.
- General Knowledge: – There are no restrictions on this topic. You must study everything to the best of your ability. The general knowledge suggestion is to pique your interest in the topic and read it as if it were a story.
- Everyday Science is made up of four subjects: physics, biology, chemistry, and computer science. Everyday Science can be prepared by reading up to matric level.
- English: You must cover vocabulary, grammar, direct and indirect speech, active and passive voice, and sentence structure in order to prepare for the English exam.
- Mathematics: – To prepare for Mathematics, simply review the fundamental ideas of ratios, averages, sequences, numbers, algebra, and up to the Matric level.
- Current Affairs:- Current affairs mean the latest changes in the world like change of Chairman FBR, change of Secretary General of UNO. You have to read newspapers to stay updated with current affairs.
ASF Roll no slip For Written & Physical Test 2023:
Both male and female individuals with an Intermediate education are eligible to apply in the ASF sector. The system for selecting Airport Security Force employees has been altered.
Candidates can apply to join the ASF as an ASI or Corporal by visiting the official website www.joinasf.gov.pk. The Roll No Slip will be emailed to candidates who apply for ASF Job via the official website.
ASF Jobs Syllabus Test Pattern 2023
Current Affairs (Pak & International) | Islamiat | Personality Test |
Mathematics | Daily Science | Intelligent Test |
English | General Knowledge | Pak Study |
Here you can read or download Airports Security Force past papers in pdf format to prepare for your ASF written test. Inspectors ASF PPSC Subject Wise Lecturer MCQs. past papers, Assistant Sub Inspectors (ASI) asf past papers, Corporals asf past papers, Corporal Drivers asf past papers, Assistants asf past papers, Stenotypists asf past papers, Draftsman asf past papers, Upper Division Clerks asf past papers, Medical Attendant, Lab Attendants asf past papers, Medical You can study for your tests by reading online or downloading to your phone or computer.
Best Guide (Book) for ASF PAST PAPERS (MCQs)
- ASF ASI Preparation Guide & Solved Papers – Dogar Brother
- ASF Corporal Guide Preparation Guide & Solved Papers – Dogar Brother
- ASF ASI BPS 11 Guide By Ch Ahmed Najib – Caravan