Governmentjob offers most repeated PPSC Past Paper, PPSC Online test and Pdf Books for our valuable candidates, We Publish Most updated MCQs, on daily basis for our candidates. This time we are going to upload most advanced Solved MCQs, of PPSC (Punjab Public Service Commission) for those who can’t find past papers and couldn’t find their solution. So in this page we upload all solved MCQs collected from past papers of PPSC test. We will also upload PPSC Books of department wise papers. So, our users and candidates don’t miss a chance to browse these Past Papers.

PPSC Past Papers, Pdf Books and Online Tests

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PPSC Quizzes

1 / 10

The Jhimpir Wind Power Plant is located in ———- district.

2 / 10

The newest district of Balochistan is ———- ?

3 / 10

The Seventh O.I.C summit 1994 was held in?

4 / 10

———- has the world’s largest natural gas reserves?

5 / 10

The head of state of the United Kingdom is?

6 / 10

Who was the first air chief of Pakistan?

7 / 10

Who was the first Navel Chief of Pakistan?

8 / 10

Which country is the world’s top supplier of weapons?

9 / 10

Pakistan’s national tree is ———- ?

10 / 10

Which from the following countries is NOT the member of BRIC?

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