PPSC Past Paper

PPSC Past Paper & Online Quizzes:

Explore the Punjab Public Service Commission, PPSC Past Paper quizzes are a useful source of self-examination which can assess your level of preparation. Online PPSC quiz tests are planned with the objective to provide a platform of effective standardized tests for candidates, and also provide them the most repeated multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for all subjects.

The candidates can attempt general knowledge questions and general knowledge quiz which give an idea and measures their educational ability without the presence of an instructor. Moreover, the candidates can work on their preparation and understand an effective way of E-learning.

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PPSC Quizzes

1 / 10

Pakistani film ---------- won best film award in United States?

2 / 10

The head of state of the United Kingdom is?

3 / 10

Who was the first Chief Minister of KPK?

4 / 10

The GSP Plus status will allow Pakistan to export products without duties to ---------- European States.

5 / 10

The first human who traveled into space was?

6 / 10

Which country is the world's top supplier of weapons?

7 / 10

The largest source of electricity generation in Pakistan is ---------- .

8 / 10

The newest district of Balochistan is ---------- ?

9 / 10

The Jhimpir Wind Power Plant is located in ---------- district.

10 / 10

Who was the first air chief of Pakistan?

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Online Quizzes for Punjab Public Service Commission:

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Frequently Asked Questions about PPSC Past Paper

What is the PPSC Exam?

PPSC is a provincial competitive examination system in Punjab conducted by the Punjab Public Service Commission for job recruitment to the various Civil Services servants of Punjab Government Departments.

Which book is best for PPSC exam preparation?

We Recommend the following books with the author’s names are the best preparation for final exams

  1. Advanced PPSC Model Papers Original Solved Papers By M Imtiaz Shahid
  2. Big Book Of PPSC By Jahangir world times publications
  3. Clerk Recruitment Guide By Dogar Brothers
  4. Constitutional Law with Solved Questions By Soban Ch
  5. Lecturer subject wise books series By Dogar Brothers

How many papers are there in PPSC?

The examination will be conducted in the six compulsory subjects along with three optional subjects. The details of the papers are given below. (source: 02)

  1. (Six Papers) Compulsory Total of 600 Marks
  2. (Three Papers) Optional Total of 600 Marks

How can I clear my PPSC exam?

Follow these 4 tips which will help you to clear your PPSC exam.

  1. Follow a time-table
  2. Focus on preparation
  3. Evaluate yourself
  4. Stay positive and confident