Pak Army EME Corps Jobs 2025: Pakistan Army training and educational institute

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Pakistan Army P.O. Box 89-GPO Jobs 2025

A Pakistan Army training and educational institute is seeking applicants for various faculty and non-technical positions. Openings are available for both male and female candidates from Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Gilgit-Baltistan, Azad Kashmir, and Balochistan. Required education ranges from Matric to Bachelor’s or relevant professional diplomas, and at least 3–5 years of experience may be necessary for certain roles. Applicants can be up to 30 years old, while ex-servicemen’s age limit extends to 45 years. Positions include nurses, technicians (e.g., anesthesia, surgery, radiology, physiotherapy, dental), paramedical staff, midwives/LHV, and non-technical roles such as ward boys, record keepers, electricians, cooks, and drivers. Former JCOs/NCOs can also apply for specific posts. Initial hiring is on a three-year contract subject to extension based on performance. Prospective candidates must undergo necessary tests/interviews and provide attested documents. Applications, submitted on the prescribed form, should be sent to the Principal at P.O. Box 89-GPO, Rawalpindi, with additional information available at 051-9275038.

Positons Details

Required Qualifications / ExperienceDepartment / CategoryS. No.PositionScale (BPS)No. of Posts
Nursing diploma (PNC-registered), ward management, OR assistant, etc., for both male/female nurses.Nursing1Registered Nurse (Male)4+7
Similarly, general nursing or a diploma for female nurses or nursing assistants.Nursing2Registered Nurse (Female)41
Diploma in Anesthesia Technology, practical hospital experience.Nursing3Anesthesia Technician43
For Staff Nurse (Female): Nursing diploma/degree and registration.Nursing4Staff Nurse (Female)41
Ward Boy (Male) with practical experience in ward management.Nursing5Ward Boy4+4
Surgical Ward Technician with the relevant diploma.Nursing6Surgical Ward Technician41
Gyne Ward Assistant requiring Midwifery or LHV diploma.Nursing7Gynae Ward Assistant42
Operation Theater Technician with a relevant technical course/diploma.Nursing8Operation Theater Technician43
Emergency Medical Technician with an Emergency Medical Course/Certificate.Paramedics9Emergency Medical Technician43
Lab Technician: Medical Laboratory Technology diploma + experience.Paramedics10Lab Technician41
Radiology Technician: X-ray/Ultrasound diploma.Paramedics11Radiology Technician44
Physiotherapy Assistant: diploma in Physiotherapy Technology.Paramedics12Physiotherapy Assistant41
Pathology Technician: relevant field certificate/diploma and hospital experience.Paramedics13Pathology Technician42
Blood Bank Technician, Cardiac Technician with a diploma in the relevant field.Paramedics14Blood Bank Technician41
Pharmacy Assistant: Diploma in Pharmacy (registered).Paramedics15Cardiac Technician42
… likewise for Pharmacy Assistant, etc.Paramedics16Pharmacy Assistant43
Midwife/Lady Health Visitor with the relevant diploma.Paramedics17Midwife (Male/Female)48
Dental: BDS or Diploma in Dental Technology + relevant experience.Dental18Dental Technician (M/F)41
Dental Surgeon/Assistant: must hold a registered qualification.Dental19Dental Assistant42
… etc.Dental20Dental Surgeon44
Medical Record Keeper: Intermediate + computer skills.Non-Technical21Medical Record Keeper45
Electrician, Plumber, Carpenter, Mechanic, ECG Technician, etc., with a relevant certificate/diploma.Model (A)22Electrician41
… continued similarly.Model (A)23Plumber49
Model (A)24Carpenter413
Model (A)25Mechanic43
Model (A)26ECG Technician44
Cook, Mess Waiter, Housekeeping, etc., requiring relevant experience.Model (B)27Cook/Chef31
Model (B)28Mess Waiter32
Model (B)29Housekeeping Staff31
MRI, CT Scan, X-ray Technician: specialized technical diploma.Paramedics (C)30Radiology Technician (MRI/CT)31
Dispenser, Ambulance Driver, etc., with relevant training/licensing.Paramedics (C)31Dispenser32
Paramedics (C)32Ambulance Driver32
Paramedics (C)33Lady Health Visitor (Female)31
Driver (BPS-2) requiring LTV/HTV license.Driving34Driver23
Former JCOs/NCOs: must have at least 10 years of relevant service.JCOs / NCOs35Special Assistant12
… e.g., Soldier Guard, etc.As Soldier36Guard11
As Soldier37Chowkidar (Watchman)11
As Soldier38Gardener11
As Soldier39Sweeper11
As Soldier40Naib Qasid (Office Messenger)11


  1. The age limit for candidates is 18 to 30 years; up to 45 years’ relaxation may be granted for ex-servicemen.
  2. All appointments will initially be on a 3-year contract, which may be extended based on performance and need.
  3. Physical tests will include a 1-mile run, sit-ups, push-ups, etc.
  4. Candidates failing the medical test, written exam, or interview shall be considered ineligible.
  5. Selected candidates will receive salaries and benefits in accordance with the Army service structure.

How to Apply

  1. Prepare Your Application: Submit your application on the prescribed form along with verified copies of educational certificates, experience letters, CNIC, and domicile.
  2. Submission Address: Principal, Post Box No. 89-GPO, Rawalpindi.
  3. Deadline: Applications must reach the address within 15 days of the advertisement.
  4. Contact for Queries: For further information, call 051-9275038.

Applications must be submitted on the prescribed form. The form requires the following details:

  • Applicant’s Name
  • Father’s Name
  • Educational Qualifications (from Matric up to last degree)
  • Diploma/Certificate (if applicable)
  • Experience (employment duration, name of organization, etc.)
  • Date of Birth
  • CNIC Number
  • Permanent and Current Address
  • Contact Number/Mobile
  • Applicant’s Signature and Date


AdvertisementMilitary/Medical Hospital Recruitment 2025

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