FPSC Past Papers & Online quiz practice Tests

FPSC PPSC Subject Wise Lecturer MCQs. past papers are a useful source of self-examination which can assess your level of preparation. Federal Public Service Commission, FPSC past paper tests are planned with the objective to provide a platform of effective standardized tests to candidates, and also provide them most repeated multiple-choice questions according to FPSC syllabus.

The candidates who attempt FPSC online quizzes test can measure their educational ability without the presence of an instructor. Moreover, the candidates can work on their preparation and understand an effective way of E-learning.

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FPSC Quizzes

1 / 10

Dehli became the capital of India in?

2 / 10

The head of state of the United Kingdom is?

3 / 10

The highest temperature was recorded in?

4 / 10

Which from the following countries has no armed forces?

5 / 10

Which country is the world's top supplier of weapons?

6 / 10

The lowest temperature ever recorded on the Earth is?

7 / 10

Who was the first air chief of Pakistan?

8 / 10

India has constructed Baglihar Dam on --------- River?

9 / 10

Pakistan has a coastline of about ---------- kilometres?

10 / 10

Who was the first Chief Minister of KPK?

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For Candidates

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