Computer Online Test (Start Your Quiz Practice Test with Instant Result)

 Computer Online Test:

Computer online Tests are a useful source of self-examination which can assess your level of preparation. Following computer quizzes test are planned with the objective to provide a platform of effective standardized tests to candidates, and also provide them most repeated multiple choice questions (MCQs) in Past Papers.

Table of Contents

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1 / 10

MSI stands for ___ ?

2 / 10

The basic operations perform by Computer____?

3 / 10

Who is the father of Computer?

4 / 10

CD-ROM stands for ____ ?

5 / 10

Who is the father of Internet ?

6 / 10

WAN stands for ___?

7 / 10

UNIVAC is _____ ?

8 / 10

You can organize files by storing them in _________?

9 / 10

What is a light pen?

10 / 10

VGA is ____ ?

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