Welcome to the Army Public School (APS) Jobs Listing Page starting from January 24, 2025, your gateway to exciting career opportunities with one of the leading educational institutions in Pakistan. Our page provides the latest job openings in APS, including teaching, administrative, and support staff positions.
At APS, we are committed to providing quality education to the children of Pakistan’s armed forces and civilians alike. We believe that our faculty and staff are essential to achieving this goal, and we are always seeking talented individuals who are passionate about education and committed to making a positive difference in the lives of our students.
Our job listings cover a wide range of positions, from teaching and counseling to finance and operations. We offer competitive salaries, benefits, and opportunities for professional growth and development. With a career at APS, you have the opportunity to work in a dynamic and supportive environment and make a meaningful contribution to society.
To apply for a job with APS through January 24, 2025, simply browse our current job listings and select the position that best matches your skills and experience. Then, follow the instructions provided to submit your application. Our recruitment team will review your application and get in touch if you are shortlisted for an interview.