WAPDA OTS Job Opportunities 2025: Multiple Positions in Tarbela Office

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WAPDA (Water and Power Development Authority) invites applications from eligible and suitable candidates for various positions in the office of GM/PD TDP, Tarbela. These are government jobs offering great career opportunities for individuals with diverse qualifications and experience levels. Below are the details of the available positions:

WAPDA Job Openings and Details

Sr.PostBPSNo. of PostsQualification/ExperienceAge Limit (Years)Quota
1.Jr. Officer (Stores)1601Matric with 03 years post Matric Diploma in Civil/Electrical/Mechanical Technology from recognized Institution with 10 years experience in Store Management30Punjab (Open) = 01
2.Navigator1601Ex-Petty Officer from Pakistan Navy50Punjab (Open) = 01
3.Senior Store Keeper1106F.A./F.Sc/Com along with Diploma of Associate Engineer (DAE)18–30Punjab (Open)=03, KPK(Open)=01, Punjab(ECO)=01, FATA/GB=01
4.Store Keeper0903Matric along with Diploma of Associate Engineering (DAE)18–30Punjab(Open)=01, Sindh(R)=01, KPK(Open)=01
5.Sr. Clerk0903B.A/B.Sc/Associate Degree (02 years) from HEC recognized University/Institution with at least 03 months Office Automation Certificate from a recognized institute (or from WAPDA departmental training center). Must be computer literate.18–30Punjab(Open)=01, KPK(Open)=01, Sindh(R)=01
6.Driller Grade-B1013Ex-Non-Commissioned Officer/Ex-Army personnel with 03 years’ experience as Driller in Drilling Rigs45Punjab(Open)=06, Sindh(R)=02, KPK(Open)=02, Balochistan=01, FATA/GB=01, AJK=01
7.Auto Mechanic (Petrol/Diesel)0904Diploma/Certificate from EME or recognized polytechnical/vocational institute in Auto Mechanic (Petrol/Diesel) with 05 years relevant experience45Open Merit=01, Punjab(Open)=01, KPK(EQ)=01, Balochistan=01
8.Auto Electrician0901Matric with 05 years experience as Auto Electrician in Govt./Semi Govt., Autonomous Bodies or a firm of repute30Punjab(Open)=01
9.Transport Inspector0901Retired JCO/so or equivalent from Pakistan Armed Forces50 (Naib Subedar) / 52 (Subedar Major)KPK(Open)=01
10.Hydrographer0806F.Sc18–30KPK(Open)=01, Punjab(Open)=03, Sindh(R)=01, Balochistan=01
11.Tire Grader (likely “Tire Grader/Loader”)08?01Matric with experience in the relevant trade18–30Punjab(Open)=01
12.Crane Operator0701Middle with HTV License18–30Punjab(Open)=01
13.Welder0701Certificate from recognized institute as Welder18–30Punjab(Open)=01
14.Plant Operator0701Middle with HTV License30Punjab(Open)=01
15.Compressor Operator0701Middle with 05 years’ experience in the relevant field. Must qualify the proficiency test.18–30Punjab(Open)=01
16.Gawader Observer (possibly “Gauge Reader/Observer”)0702Middle with 05 years’ relevant experience. Must pass subject & proficiency test.18–30Punjab(Open)=01, (another quota slot unclear)
17.Driver (LTV)0616Person holding Light-Duty Vehicle License with 05 years’ experience (after obtaining the license) having Middle qualification OR Ex-Army personnel having valid LTV license with 05 years’ experience.30Punjab(Open), Sindh(R), KPK(Open), Balochistan, FATA/GB, AJK (distribution totals 16)
18.Field Assistant0602Matric with Science having certificate from Agriculture Training Institute/School18–30Punjab(Open)=1, plus 1 more slot (possibly FATA/GB=1)

General Conditions & Instructions

  1. Written Test & Interview
    Written test shall be conducted by M/s OTS and interview will be conducted by WAPDA.
  2. Age Relaxation
    • General age relaxation of 05 years is already included in the age limit.
    • Additional 03 years’ age relaxation shall be admissible to candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Buddhist Community, Recognized Tribes of Tribal Areas, Gilgit Baltistan, Azad Kashmir, Sindh (Rural) and Balochistan.
    • Upper age limit is relaxable up to 10 years for Govt./WAPDA employees who have completed 02 years’ continuous regular service on the closing date of applications.
  3. Age Calculation
    Age will be calculated as on the last date of receipt of applications.
  4. Serving Candidates
    The candidates already serving in WAPDA shall apply through WAPDA HR Division and submit requisite NOC/permission.
  5. WAPDA Employees’ Children Quota (ECQ)
    • Only children of WAPDA employees can apply under this quota. The children of employees of DISCOs, GENCOs, NTDC, etc. are not eligible.
    • At the time of interview, candidates applying against WAPDA ECQ must produce:
      (i) Service certificate duly signed/stamped by WAPDA concerned authority.
      (ii) NOC from concerned WAPDA office that the son/daughter has applied against WAPDA ECQ.
      (iii) Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper that no brother/sister has been appointed under WAPDA ECQ.
      (iv) Documentary proof of employment of father/mother in WAPDA.
  6. Verification of Documents
    Educational certificates/degrees must be verified from HEC-recognized institutions. Original documents must be presented at the time of interview.

How to Apply

📝 Application Submission:

  1. Visit the M/s OTS website (www.ots.org.pk ) to register and submit the application within 15 days of this advertisement.
  2. Pay the test fee of Rs. 200/- at designated bank branches.
  3. Submit the application form along with the deposit slip, CNIC, and other required documents to the following address: Manager Operations (WAPDA) Office No. 1, Central Avenue, Bahria Town, Phase-VI, Islamabad.


Multiple WAPDA Positions in Tarbela Office

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