ECP Jobs 2024 (Election Commission of Pakistan) – Legal Consultant Vacancies

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Legal Consultants are required by the Election Commission of Pakistan to fill contractual vacancies available for 2 years as well as extendable based on an individual’s performance. The allocation of candidates for ECP Jobs 2024 can be made anywhere in the country where the post exists.

Necessary Details for ECP Jobs:

Eligibility Requirements: LLB or LLM required with a minimum of 5 years post-qualification experience in the relevant field. Furthermore, must be aged up to 45 years (age relaxation as per the government’s rules).

Job Responsibility: Legal Consultant will be responsible for providing legal opinions on constitutional and statutory issues, Proceeding in the Supreme Court, High Court, other courts, assemblies, and tribunals, and performing other statutory duties as assigned by the Electoral Commission.

Disqualifications: If candidates have been removed for disciplinary or professional misconduct, have been convicted of an ethical offense, and are currently engaged in any business/activity that may be disqualified with their role as a Legal Consultant whole.

Conflict of Interest: Applicants must submit an affidavit stating that they are not involved in any other business/activity that may lead to personal conflict of interest. If employed, they must obtain retirement from their department before retiring or joining their current position.

Submit Application: Applicants should apply via ECP’s Online Recruitment System at or within 20 days of the advertisement publication date.

Documents Required: Applications must be submitted in hard copy, including a self-designed cover letter, CV, certified educational transcripts, experience certificates, CNIC, residence, and full-size photographs such as passports these days to P.O. Box No. 1418, GPO, Islamabad, within 30 days after the advertisement. Please make sure to specify the post title on the envelope.

Address for Application Submission: Deputy Director (Estt-I), P.O. Box No. 1418, GPO, Islamabad

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Election Commission of Pakistan

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